Friday, January 12, 2007

From the Bottom of My Heart

On Wednesday Andrea gave me a c.d with songs the quartet, Miss Naomi, Mr. Mike and Mrs. Kristy sang at the church. I appreciated it so much, more than she'll ever know. (Thanks Andrea!) It means A LOT to me to have songs Mr. Mike and Mrs. Kristy sang on c.d because I miss them lots. Well, when I listened to it, there was a song on there called He's Been Faithul to me, that Mr. Mike sang. That song got me thinking about how God has been faithful to me every step of the way, especially through all the changes that have occured since they left. Sometimes I just wish things could have just stayed the same, but I know that is not what God would have wanted. I realized when I listened to that song, that I would not be where I am if Mr. Mike and Mrs. Kristy had not followed the will of God. Yes I miss them, and it has been tough, but God got me through and has brought me to where I am right now through all this. I never doubted God, but now I can see that. I would not have been able to say any of this and still mean it when they first moved, but I can really say it and mean it now.

I also want to say something else, but it might not sound the way I intend, because I am not good explaining what's in my head. Mr. Mike and Mrs. Kristy's moving to Indiana helped me to see that I CAN follow the Lord, and I CAN stand without them holding my hand the whole way. See, let me explain this. I depended on Mr. Mike and Mrs. Kristy a lot before. I went to them about every thing. They helped me so much. They taught me a lot of things that are helping me to do right and follow the Lord now, even while they aren't here. Yes I realize we all need to get help sometimes and that there are still people at church now to help me if I need it, but that isn't what I am talking about. Their leaving helped me to prove something to myself. I am thankful for that. Everything they have taught me, I will be able to use now and in the future to help me as I grow in the Lord and go where He wants me to go. They helped establish the foundation so I can stand now. The foundation is Jesus, and they helped establish it because I saw Jesus in their lives and because they showed me how to have my own relationship with Him. I just hope that I will never allow myself to stray from my savior so I don't let my heavenly father or them down. Thank you Lord, I don't even want to think about where I would be without you.

Andrea: Thank you so much! Love ya lots!

Mr. Mike and Mrs. Kristy: I will never forget you guys. Thanks so much. Love ya lots.
He's Been Faithful

In My Lonliness And Fear
Through Every Pain Every Tear
There's A God Who's Been Faithful To Me
When My Strength Was All Gone
When My Heart Had No Song
Still In Love He's Proved Faithful To Me
Every Word He's Promised Is True
What I Thought Was Impossible
I've Seen My God Do

He's Been Faithful
Faithful To Me
Looking Back His Love And Mercy I See
Though In My Heart I Have Questioned
And Failed To Believe
He's Been Faithful, Faithful To Me

When My Heart Looked Away
The Many Times I Could Not Pray
Still My God Was Faithful To Me
The Days Are Spent So Selfishly
Reaching Out For What Pleased Me
Even Then God Was Faithful To Me
Every Time I Come Back To Him
He Is Waiting With Open Arms
And I See Once Again

He's Been Faithful
Faithful To Me
Looking Back His Love And Mercy I See
Though In My Heart I Have Questioned
Even Failed To Believe
Yet He's Been Faithful, Faithful To Me


Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

Wow..Girly the tears won't stop.

Keep believing, searching and dreaming and God will take care of the rest. Even when at times you don't understand what in the world he is doing. I am so thankful that God allowed us to have the years together that we did in Pekin.
But I'm also glad that he is allowing us to stay in contact. Even if that means through blogging.

The one thing that stuck out the most to me is,

I CAN follow the Lord, and I CAN stand without them holding my hand the whole way.

That is the most wonderful and powerful statement that I've heard in a long time. I am so excited not just for you but about what his plans are for you. My prayers are of thanks and praise to God first and for all his blessings. Cause without God I wouldn't have been able to help you. God knows without his help I would have ripped your head off for the many times you gave me grief. :]

To help is to be able to show people how God helped you and is still helping you.

To have conquered the past to help the present.
To live for the present to start a new chapter and journey.
To pray and dream for the future which is yet unseen.

Thank you so much Blair. You make me proud to have called you one of my Teen Girls, and to now talk about how your becoming the (Proverbs) Virtuous Woman God is molding you to be.

LYL :]

P.S. I didn't know that The Quartet, Miss Naomi, Mr. Mike and
myself were all famous. I might have to get a copy to see if we can go world-wide with it. :]

P.S.S. And another thing, When we left I stepped out by faith and joined the blogging world. How cool is that! Never thought I would be apart of something like this. Even with the ups and downs of it, God is still proving himself Faithful. :]

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

By the way, it was the battery that the water damaged. So they replaced it and I now I have my phone working. Not for long, but I just wanted to share with you my blessing of God resurrecting my phone. :]