Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Down, One More to go!

I had orientation at Steak N Shake yesterday. I start on Thursday part time. I will be working there in the evenings.

So one more to go!!

Friday, May 16, 2008


Ok so the last day of school was May 7th. Graduation was May 9th which we were all required to be at. Then I headed home Saturday morning with a girl from Dwight. She dropped me off in Bloomington where I met Mrs. Sego and now I am home.
I missed everyone and it is so good to be home.

Yesterday evening Miss Naomi didn't have to work and we got to spend time together. That was awesome. I missed her. :) I missed my Lydia and Lillers and I got to see them along with April last week.

Please pray for me that I find a job. 2 in fact.

By the way I got my haircut. It was all the way to my waist and it is a little past my shoulders now. I'll post a picture later.