Thursday, September 25, 2008


This is where my trip started. The bus station. It was my first time buying bus tickets, riding a bus on my own and riding out of state. I was excited. I felt like an adult. :) Preacher was laughing at me in amusement. He took this picture of me and Mrs. Rowell with my bag and tickets.

So the first day of the Iowa State Fair (ISF) they had this. You had to come early and eat a corn dog to get free admission to the fair. They wanted to get the most people to eat a corn dog at the same time for the Guiness World Book of Records. Well, they could only make like eight thousand corn dogs. 11,000 people showed up. Then after 11,000 they couldn't fit anymore in the stadium. If you made it by the deadline they still let you in so 31,000 people were wandering around the fair grounds in addition to that. 5,000 people were in line to get in at the deadline. Crazy huh? This was my number.

My corn dog!

Molly's mom and Molly.

Me and Molly.

Molly's dog, Cookie. I fell in love with her! I was outside playing with her. They told me she would growl and bark at me when I first got there. She didn't, she walked right up to me tail wagging and happy. She liked me too :)

Butter Cow. Cool huh?!

I know their are tons of cows around, but I had never seen one up close. So I had to take a picture.

This was taken merely because it was amusing. Elvis is so ancient. Talking about back in the day. Who new T.V guides were around back then? :) The building this was in was called pioneer hall. It was my favorite. They had old books and record players and dolls and stuff. They even had old pictures of John Wayne. :( I don't really like westerns. I found a canning guide for Mrs. Rowell from 1965. They also had someone dressed up as a blacksmith making things. They had old printing stuff too. It was just cool.

This is what me and Molly got to ride for free. Someone gave us their tickets. We had been walking around all day and needed to get to the other end of the fairgrounds so it was greatly appreciated.

It's the ISF, what do you expect? I took pictures of some animals just because it was all a new experience for me.

Who knew a llama could be in Iowa?

This was the winner of the big boar contest, weighing 1259 pounds. Or maybe it was 1258?


Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

How exciting for you that must have been?!?!

Whoa, could that boar even get up? lolol

Thank you for posting these pictures. I love seeing the pictures though, cause it makes words come alive.

Have an awesome day today!

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

Hey add your followers list in your add gadgets section of your layout so I can add you as a follower!! Go to mine and add me too!!