Thursday, January 08, 2009

I am here!

So I am at school and it's awesome. I got here the first and stayed with the Harty's until the dorms opened up on Monday the 5th. Monday I moved into the dorms and started at Ryan's. Tuesday was orientation and registration. Yesterday was the first day of classes.

General Math
Sophomore English
Child Character Training
Computer Basics
Children's Literature
Personal Finance
Christian Womanhood

At work I get one more hour a plus a fifteen cent raise from last year. :) I work a restaurant called Ryan's. They took me back again this year.

I only have two roomates so that is pretty sweet, considering some rooms have five. Generally there are four to a room. I was told that last semester they had to turn people away because there was not enough dorms. Some rooms had five and six!

Anyways thats it for now.


Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you. May God bless you this semester, I can read that he already has with a raise and may you enjoy doing what you love best, Serving God!

Love ya bunches!

Anonymous said...

Haha! YES. :) That's not all that happened... you're leaving out one little part... but it'll be our little secret. :D :) :)

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

Just thought I would stop by and say that I was thinking and praying for you!