Friday, May 16, 2008


Ok so the last day of school was May 7th. Graduation was May 9th which we were all required to be at. Then I headed home Saturday morning with a girl from Dwight. She dropped me off in Bloomington where I met Mrs. Sego and now I am home.
I missed everyone and it is so good to be home.

Yesterday evening Miss Naomi didn't have to work and we got to spend time together. That was awesome. I missed her. :) I missed my Lydia and Lillers and I got to see them along with April last week.

Please pray for me that I find a job. 2 in fact.

By the way I got my haircut. It was all the way to my waist and it is a little past my shoulders now. I'll post a picture later.


Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

How about that I pray that God will give you a job that pays a lot so that you don't have to work 2 jobs! ;]

I am glad that you got home safely!