So some of these are not really new. I just finally posted them. Some are from last semester and Christmas but some are new. Lydia! I love that girl. Over christmas break she and I played candyland like three times. She LOVES that game. She also likes to pose for pictures. She is so cute.
Lily. She is so cute. She wouldn't hold still so this is the best I could get.
My bestest friend in the whole wide world. :) Miss Naomi.
Preacher and Mrs. Rowell at Fiesta Ranchera. This was during Thanksgiving break.

This is Talia Baker. Her sister is two pictures down. They also have a brother named Paul. It's really awesome because these kids have been coming since the route that I am on started 2 years ago. Well, their mom started coming three months ago and has been coming faithfully since. A few weeks ago there dad finally came. He isn't really interested in coming but came. Mrs. Baker doesn't push him because she doesn't want him to tell them they can't go to church anymore.
Damien, Niki, Shalyn and Destiny. This is from when I went home for Christmas break.
This is Mya Baker. She is the oldest. She is seven. Talia is six and Paul is four or five.

Last semester a few weeks before Christmas break Mrs. Harty had a cookie baking day at her house. Stephanie, a girl named Hilary and I all went and made a TON of cookies. In this picture we were trying to make snowballs which are really messy and sticky.
This is Tawsha and Kyra. Tawsha is putting on the attitude in this picture. :) You'd have to know her to understand.
My good friend Stephanie is letting Laramie help her drive. Laramie is Bro. Jeremy Smith's youngest son. This was taken at the camp. We helped clean one weekend last semester.
Tawsha and her boyfriend Eric at the Christmas Banquet.

My roomates!!! I have the best roomates ever. Sarah and Cheri at the Christmas Banquet.
This is at Stephanie's house. Miss Naomi and I went to her house for the weekend before christmas. It was so much fun. Miss Naomi took this while she was curling her hair.
What awesome pictures! I'm so glad that you have great roommates. Makes life much more tolerable living together in such small quarters!
You changed your template again!
Your nieces and nephew are getting soo big! Is time flying or what!
You changed your template again? lol
You need to update ladyyyy!
I miss you. :)
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